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Monday, August 24, 2020
How Treating Employees Well Impacts Profits and Sales Research Paper
How Treating Employees Well Impacts Profits and Sales - Research Paper Example Considering this, this paper will research the basis behind rewarding workers well to profit an association. In spite of the fact that there are a few different components to consider for an association to expand benefits, individuals liable for the administration of authoritative issues hold the most noteworthy incentive in moving towards the satisfaction of hierarchical objectives. The method of reasoning for Treating Employees Well There are a few reasons expressing why better treatment of workers brings about improving occupation exhibitions, just as in expanding benefits and deals. Truth be told, an examination directed by Leblebici (2012) on the effect of work environment quality on worker profitability archived that an association that treats representatives well will in general have an inventive workforce that not just adds to the development of solid hierarchical culture yet in addition produces top outcomes. For instance, if directors of an organization create and execute a n appealing remuneration plan for representatives, the outcome will be exceptionally positive for the organization as representatives will in general endeavor to accomplish rewards and advantages remembered for the pay plan. This will bring about improved worker efficiency, just as expanded deals and benefits for the organization. While discussing the reasons that make positive representative treatment profitable for the accomplishment of hierarchical objectives and destinations, let us talk about worker fulfillment which is one of the primary components having joins with positive worker treatment and improved authoritative execution. Every worker needs to in an association that comprehends the necessities of representatives and take compelling measures to address those issues. The degree of representative efficiency is typically high in associations which regard the requirements of workers and furnish them with protected and adaptable work environment condition. Representatives pro foundly add to the advancement of the association as long as they feel fulfillment with the work environment condition gave to them by their chiefs (Leblebici, 2012). For instance, in associations where representative wellbeing and advantages are viewed as basic for the advancement of association, the degree of worker execution goes high since representatives become ready to focus more towards work as opposed to stressing over their expert life and security. Rewarding workers well not just increments hierarchical execution as far as expanded deals and benefits yet in addition brings more representatives into an association. For instance, an association that treats its representatives well has a possibility of making an authoritative culture that makes a decent image of the association. At the point when this occurs, representatives and different partners spread the news, and this urges other possible workers to go after jobs accessible inside the association. Employees don't prefer to work for an association that has poor of its way of life as a result of inappropriate worker treatment, for example, absence of remuneration plans and occupation frailty (Leblebici, 2012). Representatives don't go after positions inside such associations and attempt their karma with the associations that are known for their worker neighborly culture.â
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Est1 Task 2
Welcome to Shine Sun Tan! We are eager to the point that you have settled on the choice to join our group! We have the most splendid stars in the business and are so upbeat you have decided to sparkle with us! Here at Shine Sun Tan we are devoted to our customers as well as our representatives. We endeavor to furnish our representatives with a positive, wonderful, and fun work air. We accept in the event that our workers are glad and dealt with, at that point they will do likewise for our customers. With the end goal for us to remain the best in the business we should follow a couple of rules and methods set by Shine Sun Tan.Please pause for a minute to peruse our Ethics Program as this will be information you will use every day here at Shine! A. Guidelines and Procedures Code of Ethics: The standards of the Shine Sun Tan Code of Ethics are communicated in a wide way as a manual for moral dynamic. 1. Appearance: We will consistently show up busy working in our appropriate uniform (Sh ine Sun Tan shirt and pants or shorts) and be prepared to work. Your pants or shorts ought not have openings, and shorts should go to the tip of your fingers long. We will show up to work set up and clean. 2.Respect: We will consistently give the most significant level of regard to customers and colleagues. 3. Reliable: We will consistently be trustworthy, legit, and have constantly a â€Å"due the privilege thing†mentality. 4. Dependable: We will consistently remember this is a business and we should make the right decision for the business and its customers. This incorporates however isn't restricted to going to every single planned move, being on schedule for movements, and working while on the clock. 5. Decency: We will consistently treat all colleagues and customers similarly without respects to age, sex, race, religion, country source, and sexual inclination. 6.Citizenship: We will consistently show great character just as an inspirational demeanor. 7. Mindful: We will consistently show a mindful nature with regards to colleagues and customers. All representatives must follow these standards consistently. On the off chance that the need emerges to report an infringement of Shine Sun Tan’s standards please let your head supervisor, locale chief, or Alisha Johnson, our morals official know right away. Your head supervisor and locale manager’s contact data will be consistently be accessible in your administrator office and in your store break room. Our morals official might be reached at [emailâ protected] om or 789-456-0123. You may likewise call our Ethics Hotline namelessly which is accessible 24 hours per day, 7 days per week at 888-123-4567. On the off chance that any representative is seen as damaging our standards, after a full examination (when fundamental) the outcomes will bring about a verbal notice, a composed admonition, an advising, or conceivable end. B. Preparing Shine Sun Tan will hold quarterly instructional meetings . The instructional courses will be held the last Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday of the month for the long periods of March, June, September, and December.Everyone who is at present utilized with Shine Sun Tan at the hour of each instructional meeting will be required to go to one meeting. Every worker will be allocated to either the Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday instructional meeting. Sparkle Sun Tan’s instructional meetings are led by Alisha Johnson whom is our morals official. Each instructional meeting will be an entire 8 hour work day and will incorporate a provided food lunch. The preparation material will be conveyed by PowerPoint slide shows described by Alisha Johnson just as visitor speakers.Each preparing will cover different various subjects, anyway we will consistently go over our 3 most significant themes pertinent to our business. 1. New and changing tanning laws and guidelines 2. Work environment Safety 3. Tips on the freshest approaches to enlist new indivi duals and offer items notwithstanding these 3 most significant themes, we will by and large likewise spread new items, proposals for tanning security, tanning bed news, and an assortment of different subjects. Be that as it may, we will likewise consistently be open for conversation so please continually bring your inquiries for our Q&A for the most recent hour of each preparation session.We anticipate seeing you! C. Worker Misconduct 1. Representatives will be relied upon to act in an expert way consistently. Albeit, here at Shine Sun Tan we advance a pleasant work air, we should consistently recollect that our customers and work obligations should consistently be dealt with first and in an expert way. You are the primary line of protection in estimating your own lead and keeping any wrongdoing from occurring. In the event that the safeguard towards unfortunate behavior begins inside you, and you are making the best choice and acting expertly then we in general ought to have th e option to keep away from wrong doings or misconduct.Your head supervisor, associate chief, and even individual colleagues will likewise be checking your direct, so ensure you are continually making the best decision. Making the best decision comprise of yet isn't restricted to working when on the clock, giving customers honest data about bundles and items, selling customers bundles and items that are best for them (not what is best for your bonus), adhering to tanning laws and guidelines, and continually following Shine Sun Tan’s Ethics Code. Not keeping these standards set out by Shine Sun Tan will be viewed as worker unfortunate behavior and could bring about genuine results. . To guarantee that all representatives are continually making the best choice and have great lead Shine Sun Tan will take an interest in a Secret Shopper Program. This program has been set up to review and screen our stores and workers all the time. Corporate workers from our Secret Shopper Team wil l routinely visit our salons. These mystery customers will arrive in at least two times per week on a week after week premise to pursue new tanning bundles, tan, purchase items, pose inquiries, and now and again go about as furious, rowdy clients.You will never know who our mystery customers are, as we will have numerous various ones and they will consistently go about as an ordinary client. This Secret Shopper Program has been set up so that not exclusively can directors, aide administrators, and individual worker screen representative lead yet so can corporate representatives. By having this Secret Shopper Program set up we feel that it will urge our representatives to consistently be behaving as well as possible and consistently make the best decision in each circumstance. 3. If representative unfortunate behavior is seen as occurring you should report it to a supervisor immediately.The administrator will at that point have you round out a report about what you saw. This report w ill be kept mysterious and will be gone in to the corporate office for additional examination. In the event that you don't feel great setting off to an administrator or a director isn't accessible, you may report offense to your area chief or our Ethics official. In the event that you wish to remain totally mysterious or feel progressively good detailing by phone you may do this also. You can call our Ethics Hotline 24 hours per day, 7 days every week at 888-123-4567. D. Assess and ImproveShine Sun Tan is continually searching for approaches to assess and improve our strategic approaches and methodology. This even incorporates assessing the adequacy of our Ethics Program. We will have four systems set up to assist us with assessing our program. 1. We will furnish customers with overview cards for each visit which they have the alternative to round out. These cards will request that our customers rate our salon staff on a size of 1-10 on their appearance (are the in uniform and satis factory), level of regard, reliability, duty, decency, citizenship, and caring nature. 2.Our Secret Shopper Team will likewise finish study cards for every one of their visits. These studies won't just incorporate equivalent to the client reviews yet they will likewise incorporate an increasingly point by point understanding about their time spent at the salon and about the individual or people they managed each time. 3. Your director or direct administrator will finish month to month audits on your presentation. These presentation audits will to a great extent incorporate your moral comprehension of Shine Sun Tan morals program and how you show your insight and comprehension of it in your every day work. . Representative inquiry and recommendation box. Recommendations and questions will be mulled over and will be tended to at our month to month Ethics meeting. On the most recent day of every month after these assessments are finished for that month we will gather the reviews, quest ions, and proposals. The executives will at that point aggregate a rundown of what we are progressing nicely, what enhancements are required, and what proposals and questions should be addressed.We will at that point hold a chiefs meeting on the main Wednesday of consistently with the goal that we can set up approaches to improve our program and how to actualize the upgrades. Every director will at that point hold store gatherings with their workers the following day to talk about responses to questions and let their representatives realize what changes and enhancements will be made. Much thanks to you such a great amount for perusing Shine Sun Tan’s Ethics Program. By and by, we are eager to such an extent that you have settled on the decision to join our group and we anticipate being a piece of your excursion here at Shine Sun Tan! We anticipate seeing you Shine!
Saturday, July 25, 2020
The Most Important Book of My Reading Life
The Most Important Book of My Reading Life This is a guest post by our current Rioter in Residence, Kevin Smokler. Kevin is the author of the essay collection Practical Classics: 50 Reasons to Reread 50 Books you Haven’t Touched Since High School (available now from Prometheus Books) and the editor of Bookmark Now: Writing in Unreaderly Times, A San Francisco Chronicle Notable Book of 2005. His work has appeared in the LA Times, Fast Company, Paid Content, The San Francisco Chronicle, Publishers Weekly and on National Public Radio. Follow him on Twitter @weegee. _________________________ And The Band Played On by Randy Shilts, the definitive look at the first decade of the AIDS epidemic, was published in 1987. Shilts, national correspondent of the San Francisco Chronicle and the paper’s first openly gay staff member, had spent four years in research and reporting, accruing personal debt and publisher rejection. Today And the Band Played On has sold nearly a million copies, won fistfuls of awards, and was made into an HBO movie in 1993. In an assessment, historian Gary Wills wrote, “This book will be to gay liberation what The Feminine Mystique was to early feminism and Rachel Carsons Silent Spring was to environmentalism. It is also the most important book of my reading life. Had I not woken up, I would have missed it entirely. In the fall of 1993, I was twenty years old, a junior in college, hacking my way through a particularly cold autumn in Baltimore. I had declared my major “Writing Seminars,†which is just “creative writing†said with pretension. Reading was an activity assigned by professors, and reading for fun I had given up nearly 6 years before. I had loved books my entire life, but arriving at a hyper-competitive high school and being a hyper-ordinary teenage boy, I was more interested in my friends and girls and looping around town in a used Volvo I had inherited along with a learner’s permit. I also was angry that, thanks to the educators who looked out for me, books had gone from something fun to something assigned, dissected, and term-papered upon. I was mad at them for it and, by extension, mad at books. I was an idiot and a brat. In that cold autumn of 1993, my roommates were busily looking at medical school catalogs and preparing a confident march into the next phase of their lives. I had no idea what mine would be. Terrified of the end of school only eighteen months away, I had no time for any book or anything else that didn’t hold the answer to my future. I was lonely, confused, and scared. I had grown up with AIDS on the nightly news. Rock Hudson had already died from the disease, as had Queen lead singer Freddie Mercury, a personal hero. Rudolph Nureyev and Arthur Ashe had perished from it earlier that year. The HBO movie of And the Band Played On had just been released. I had not seen or heard of it. In early November, shortly after midterm exams, a friend loaned me the book. I do not remember why. In fact I remember little other than her saying, “You must read this†and “it’s easy. The chapters are short,†which was true. When I gave the usual argumentsâ€"too busy, lack of interest, mystification at reading being pleasure and not punishmentshe looked at me and asked something no one had before or has since. “I’m asking you to read this, to make time. This book is that important to me.†What she was really saying was, “If we are as good of friends as we say we are, read this. You will understand who I really am.†I set down the huge, intimidating book next to my bed, about the size and thickness of a TV dinner, and did as I was asked. I read one chapter, two to five pages, each night. Sometimes only a paragraph before the excuses came. Finishing took the remainder of the school year and the first few weeks of summer. I did not fail out of school, nor did I miss out on anything I thought I should be doing instead. The book did not hold the answer to my future, but when I finished, through the anger, the shock, and the sorrow, what I said, out loud to the same empty room where my friend had first handed me the book, was this. “This is what I’ve been missing.†I have not stopped reading since. I owe And the Band Played On and Randy Shilts my whole adult life. This book has played some part in why I became a writer, why I live in San Francisco, why I value the written word the way that I do. More than that, it reminds me that we live our lives amongst others, and we may share nothing with them but our common makeup as a species. I was not an AIDS sufferer and didn’t know any AIDS sufferers. I was too young to understand the extent of the injustice being perpetrated against those who had the disease in the time period Randy Shilts covered. I found out about the displaying of the AIDS Quilt on the Mall in Washington in 1996 the day after it happened. Still, I reread And The Band Played On every few years. I’ve given every important person in my life a copy. It is the only answer I have for my most important book. And were it up to me, every high school student would be given a copy too, so they can witness its power and that of books without the same ignorance and resentment of them I had. And each year, I leave a copy of it at the AIDS Memorial Grove in San Francisco in honor of Randy Shilts, who perished from the disease in 1994. We are all busy people who must make time to read. It is worth asking why we would spend our time reading 650 pages on a disease three decades old that still kills hundreds of thousands of people a year, but who are now mostly poor, brown, and far away, people we will never know. My best answer: I believe that great literature (and music, and film, and theater) is exhilarating no matter how sad its subject. It reminds us of the bottomlessness of human creativity and passion, of what we can accomplish, of how rich our stories are, of genius like Randy Shilts’, and of how great books can free us from our own sillier, smaller selves. Like a thaw after a long winter, great books remind us of what it means to be alive. Every time I reread And the Band Played On, even all these years later, I need that reminding more. This piece was adapted from Kevin Smoklers Practical Classics, available now. Sign up for True Story to receive nonfiction news, new releases, and must-read forthcoming titles.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Essay on Sustainability - 1473 Words
Sustainability Max Weber believed in the power of an idea. This political theorist discussed how Calvinism was one idea that perpetuated the rise of capitalism. Few people ever examine the power of an idea, but if one examines and contemplates this theory, a realization comes across: that ideas drive society. The key premise is that some values of our society must be altered in order to avert catastrophic consequences. The way of life in developed countries is the origin of many of our most serious problems(Trainer, 1985). Because developed countries have high material living standards and consume massive quantities of all resources, hundreds of millions of people in desperate need must go without the materials and energy that could†¦show more content†¦The environment is in danger from our pursuit of affluence. Serious worries come from predictions about the atmosphere. The burning of fossil fuels will raise temperatures and result in climatic effects. Rising temperatures could have horri fic effects. First of all, food production could seriously be imperiled even by increases of only one degree celcius. If the temperature should increase by five degrees scientists predict the coastal island nations would be submerged and possibly trigger the next ice age. Another environmental concern deals with the soil. Our agricultural practices disregard the value of recycling food waste. Also, the use of pesticides and chemicals in agriculture lead to the poisoning of the soil and topsoil loss through erosion. Yields per acre for grain are falling and we do not produce food in ways that can be continued for centuries(Trainer, 1985). Even more disturbing is the deforestation of rainforests. This results in the extinction of many species, concentration of carbon dioxide, the loss of many potential medical breakthroughs, and possibly the disruption of rainfall. Opponents of the deforestation fail toShow MoreRelatedSustainability And The On Sustainability1016 Words  | 5 Pages Sustainability â€Å"Sustainability refers to the long-term maintenance of brass according to environs al, economic and sociable considerations†(Crane Matten, 2010). Now a twenty-four hours, sustainability has become a part of our everyday lives or in business sector. There are some laws and policy that every business administration must follow the triple tail course also known as sustainability account. In triple bottom line, every brass must stress on three P’s namely profit / economy, people /societyRead MoreSustainability : Sustainability And Environmental Sustainability1625 Words  | 7 PagesSustainability is a topic that has become very important in recent years. Sustainability is defined as, â€Å"the ability to continue a defined behavior indefinitely.†(Finding and Resolving the Root Causes of the Sustainability Problem, 2014) There are three pillars that make up overall sustainability: social, economic, and environmental sustainability. Social sustainability focuses on all human needs being met and a society functioning properly indefinitely. Economic sustainability is achieving aRead MoreThe Sustainability, Economic Sustainability And Social Sustainability1861 Words  | 8 PagesSustainable and Sustainability are used to describe many different approaches for improving our life. Sustainability is about people and culture, our environment, jobs or countries. Could be defend as an ability or capacity of something to be maintained or to sustain itself. It s about taking what we need to live now. There is many departments of sustainability but the main are three environmental sustainability, economic sustainability and social sustainability. The term sustainability in a businessRead MoreThe Sustainability, Economic Sustainability And Social Sustainability1860 Words  | 8 PagesSustainable and Sustai nability are used to describe many different approaches for improving our life. Sustainability is about people and culture, our environment, jobs or countries. Could be defended as an ability or capacity of something to be maintained or to sustain itself. It s about taking what we need to live now. There is many departments of sustainability but the main are three environmental sustainability, economic sustainability and social sustainability. The term sustainability in a businessRead MoreSustainability : The Issue Of Sustainability1096 Words  | 5 PagesSustainability The issue of sustainability in today’s generation has developed as a result of a rapid and enormous population growth, growth in our world’s economy, and huge depletion of our natural resources. 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Sustainability could be defined as an ability or capacity of something to be maintained or to sustain itself. It’s about taking what we need to live now, without jeopardizing the potential for people in the future to meet their needs. If an activity is said to be sustainable, it should be able to continue forever. what sets it apart from simply â€Å"environmentalism†or â€Å"environmental protection†Sustainability, in contrast to the environmentalism, represents the idea that humanRead MoreSustainability And Development Of Sustainability1422 Words  | 6 PagesSustainability is the development to meet current needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs (WCED, 1987). Today, sustainability is being incorporated into business strategie s, as organisations begin to adopt a sustainability strategy. This strategy is involving organisational operations to be sustainable, such as reducing pollution, each organisation identifies sustainability slightly differently and it is reflected in their strategy which is designed andRead MoreImpact Of Globalization On Sustainability And Sustainability1295 Words  | 6 PagesSustainability is one of the most discussed subjects at the present time. With global warming, increase in the population, clean water deficiency and shortage of food, people more and more thinking about how to make their life more sustainable. But what is sustainability? According to United Nations, â€Å"sustainability means meeting our own needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own need.†To satisfy our needs we use natural resources as well as social and economicRead MoreSustainability And Its Impact On Sustainability Essay2015 Words  | 9 PagesSustainabili ty is a growing concern for many individuals and companies as resources are becoming increasingly limited, hazardous, and expensive. Over the last few years, more people have been informed about sustainable options, which have been easier to obtain and contribute to, as well as wanting to purchase more sustainable options from companies. Since the idea of sustainability is so broad, everyone can contribute in a way they feel is most beneficial. Whether individuals and companies are giving
Friday, May 8, 2020
Testing And De Grading Schools Authentic Alternatives...
Alex Guerrero July 4, 2015 EDDL 941 Book Review Bower, J., Thomas, P. L. (Eds.). (2013). De-testing and de-grading schools: Authentic alternatives to accountability and standardization. New York: Peter Lang Publishing Inc. Synopsis: I found De-testing and de-grading schools: Authentic alternatives to accountability and standardization by Bower and Thomas, an interesting read and consistent with the critiques of high stakes testing and assessment we’ve read about and watched in this class. It is a collection of essays from educators and stakeholders in the field. The book is broken up into distinct sections, the first focused on testing and the second on grading. A historical context regarding failures of testing and grading is also provided to give context to the current problems with high stakes assessment and grading. The main message presented in this book is that high stakes testing and assessments (grading) are not working and alternatives should be considered. Specifically, the law of No Child Left Behind is critiqued through out, especially in the first few chapters. Each essay in this book gives its own perspective along with their own arguments and case studies to demonstrate that high stakes testing and assessment are failing American kids. Some empirical evidence is used but it’s mainly arguments with specific examples from the field. This begins early on, literally in the introduction, when Kohn makes the argument that grades and tests predictShow MoreRelatedStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 PagesIt’s Not Fair! 231 Case Incident 2 Bullying Bosses 231 8 Motivation: From Concepts to Applications 239 Motivating by Job Design: The Job Characteristics Model 240 The Job Characteristics Model 240 †¢ How Can Jobs Be Redesigned? 242 †¢ Alternative Work Arrangements 245 †¢ The Social and Physical Context of Work 249 Employee Involvement 250 Examples of Employee Involvement Programs 251 †¢ Linking Employee Involvement Programs and Motivation Theories 252 Using Rewards to Motivate Employees 252Read MoreMarketing Mistakes and Successes175322 Words  | 702 Pagesseveral cases, and illustrate that certain successful and unsuccessful practices are not unique. Information Boxes and Issue Boxes are included in each chapter to highlight relevant concepts and issues, or related information, and we are even testing Profile Boxes. Learning insights help students see how certain practicesâ€â€both errors and successesâ€â€cross company lines and are prone to be either traps for the unwary or success modes. Discussion Questions and Hands-On Exercises encourage and
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
After the Sirens Free Essays
As soon as the radio is switched on it is described as screaming and it startles the man. He also recognized the radio announcer’s voice but it this was the first time his voice did not sound upbeat and happy as it usually was during his morning show. The author also describes his voice as â€Å"Cracking with hysteria†(Hood, pg. We will write a custom essay sample on After the Sirens or any similar topic only for you Order Now 161) which clearly sets the mood in the story. The way his voice is described stresses the role that the announcer plays in this story. The radio announcer uses repetition right from the beginning of the story and creates suspense, when he repeats â€Å"This not an exercise†(Hood, pg. 160) three times. He also repeats â€Å"This is an air raid warning†(Hood, pg. 160) twice right after the radio is turned on. He continues with the count down right until ten seconds before the bomb hit. The radio announcer sets this man into action to save himself and his family. The man responds immediately by telling his wife not to ask questions and to dress her self and the baby in many layers of heavy clothing. While she is doing that he gathers up food, water, canned goods and two can openers. The radio announcer also helps the man to decide where they should take cover in the house because he reported the target and the man knew where the blast would be coming from. The radio announcer helped them survive. I was captured immediately by his voice and was taken on a journey of anticipation and suspense. How to cite After the Sirens, Essay examples
After the Sirens Free Essays
As soon as the radio is switched on it is described as screaming and it startles the man. He also recognized the radio announcer’s voice but it this was the first time his voice did not sound upbeat and happy as it usually was during his morning show. The author also describes his voice as â€Å"Cracking with hysteria†(Hood, pg. We will write a custom essay sample on After the Sirens or any similar topic only for you Order Now 161) which clearly sets the mood in the story. The way his voice is described stresses the role that the announcer plays in this story. The radio announcer uses repetition right from the beginning of the story and creates suspense, when he repeats â€Å"This not an exercise†(Hood, pg. 160) three times. He also repeats â€Å"This is an air raid warning†(Hood, pg. 160) twice right after the radio is turned on. He continues with the count down right until ten seconds before the bomb hit. The radio announcer sets this man into action to save himself and his family. The man responds immediately by telling his wife not to ask questions and to dress her self and the baby in many layers of heavy clothing. While she is doing that he gathers up food, water, canned goods and two can openers. The radio announcer also helps the man to decide where they should take cover in the house because he reported the target and the man knew where the blast would be coming from. The radio announcer helped them survive. I was captured immediately by his voice and was taken on a journey of anticipation and suspense. How to cite After the Sirens, Essay examples
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